When you work with a coach of any kind, you have someone to be accountable to. This person isn’t going to let you slack off and will also show you new ways to accomplish your goals that you didn’t think of. Hiring a financial coach is just like hiring a fitness coach or personal trainer. Your likelihood of reaching your goal increases because it’s much harder to say no or make excuses to your coach, who is not going to let you quit!
When you work with a coach, you have an expert on your side who will give you new tools and show you how to use them. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you are doing the same thing from month to month and don’t see any changes. Sometimes, all you need is a fresh perspective – an objective third party to show you a better way. Since coaches work with a lot of people in similar situations , you benefit from their experience and can implement a range of strategies to find the ones that work perfectly for you.
A great coach is also both a cheerleader and a drill sergeant. You want someone who will encourage you and make you want to do better but who won’t accept excuses and will keep you on task. The right coach will help you set the systems in place so you accelerate toward your goal and you don’t lose momentum once the coaching is complete.
If this sounds like something you need to get out of debt, live within your means and run your business/manage your life on a cash basis, then I’m happy to give you more information. Please call me for a free consultation and learn how I can coach you to a successful financial future!