Recently, I found myself thinking about money beliefs, the sorts of things that hold us back from success.
Beliefs about money
Sometimes, any of our belief sets can be completely off-kilter, including money beliefs, relationship beliefs, work ethic beliefs, etc. Lots of people I meet (who are often like you or anyone you know), never had a proper upbringing when it comes to money. Sometimes they were just never taught how to think about money by parents or at school. Sometimes they were taught the wrong things. These unhealthy financial beliefs and practices are all possible to change. We are all able to grow and create the best spaces in our worlds for friends, family, and ourselves. The universal laws teach us that there is enough money in the world for all of us to be multimillionaires.
Feelings about money
When you don’t have to pay huge amounts to giant institutions, like credit card companies, you have the freedom to spend your money wherever and with whoever makes your world better. Imagine if you didn’t have to pay $500 to your debt each month, you could use that money to enroll your child in a really great preschool or after school program that will enrich his/her life, employ talented professionals, and better your community overall. You could invest it in a CD or money market account, and you might even extend your 2-week exotic vacation into a hemispherical journey!
Finance coaching can help you reach your goals
It’s time to make room in your life – and overcome your unhealthy financial beliefs – to allow yourself and your family to grow to your utmost potential, for your business to grow, and for life to be an adventure!
I’m here to help you get your financial worries out of your way and teach you how to use your resources so that all of this becomes possible.